Bolton Smart Enterprise CIC

All year

Smart Enterprise offers Educational and Social Opportunities for young adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged 18yrs - 35yrs. We offer Creative Learning Programmes within a safe and secure environment working in small groups of up to 12 delivering the following programmes:

  • Visual Arts
  • Drama and Communication Skills
  • Young Enterprise Challenges and Events
  • Basic Skills/Creative Writing
  • Heritage Projects
  • Employability Skills
  • Heritage Projects
  • Social Activites, Trips and Visits
  • We offer short taster courses to add variety to our offer so please do telephone or email us to see what is on offer. See our website for more information  or why not find and follow us on social media; Twitter @BoltonSmart and Facebook.
Age 18 to 35 years
Cost Evening Arts and Drama Club provision - £5.00 per session.
Smart Day Programmes - Fullday £55.00 - Half Day £27.50 (We accept Direct Payments for those individuals with a EHCP in place on a referral basis)
Referral details Social Services, Connexions Service, Self Referral, Schools, Relevant Service Key worker
Special provisions
Ofsted report
SEN type
  • Cognition and learning
  • Behaviour, emotional and social
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- Programmes delivered in 3 hour workshops within these times. Programmes change regularly throughout the year, please contact us for more information on current programme times.

Monday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 8:00pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 8:00pm

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