All year

Helplines Monday to Friday - times on website 

Free independent legally based advice to parents of children with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

IPSEA operates: 

Website:  Visit our website for model letters, SEN updates, support sheets and more

Mailing list:  Join our mailing list; become part of IPSEA’s family and keep up-to-date with news and information relevant to SEND

Advice Line:  Covered by fully trained volunteers providing legally based advice on a wide range of SEND issues

Tribunal Helpline:  Our Tribunal Helpline is covered by fully trained volunteers who give next step advice to parents going through the Special Educational Needs & Disability Tribunal process

Tribunal Support:  IPSEA’s Tribunal Support Service can provide support during the entire SEND Tribunal process including advocacy at a hearing if needed

Information service:  Our email information service provides up-to-date information on the law and your rights concerning your child’s SEND.

Age 0 to 25 years
Cost See our website for more information
Referral details See our website for more information
Special provisions
Ofsted report
SEN type
  • Cognition and learning
  • Behaviour, emotional and social
  • Communication and interaction
  • Sensory or physical
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