Bottomley, Leanne

Term Time All Year Early Mornings Evenings Full Time Part Time School Holidays

Places, availability and cost

Availability places Please contact the provider for details of current vacancies

maximum capacity is 18, with not more than 3 under 1, and not more than 9 under 5.

Total places 1 to 5 years :   6 places / 0 vacancies
0 to 1 years :   3 places / 0 vacancies
6 to 8 years :   9 places / 0 vacancies
8 to 99 years :   3 places / 0 vacancies
Cost Under 1s : £5 per hour, £22.5 per session, £40 per day
1 to 5 Year Olds : £5 per hour, £22.5 per session, £40 per day
Age 8 + : £5 per hour, £22.5 per session, £40 per day
Age 6 - 8 : £5 per hour, £22.5 per session, £40 per day

Sibling 10%
Funded care Open Monday to Friday 7.00am to 6.00pm. Closed Christmas 22 December to 3 January.

Funded care is available for:
• For 2 year olds
• For 3 to 4 year olds
• 30 hours childcare
Pick up from Harwood Meadows Primary School, Hardy Mill Primary School, SS Osmund and Andrew RC Primary School, Red Lane Primary School, Bolton St Catherine's Academy, Leverhulme Community Primary School
SEN or health needs
Special diets

Ofsted information

Last Ofsted inspection date 26/10/2022
Ofsted report Latest Ofsted report
Special provisions Special diets catered for.

Pacey Morton Michel
Work with 2 assistants, only 1 at a time.

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