Armstrong, Sara

All Year Breakfast Club Full Time Part Time School Holidays Term Time

Places, availability and cost

Availability places Please contact the provider for details of current vacancies

Total places 0 to 1 years :   1 places / 0 vacancies
1 to 5 years :   6 places / 0 vacancies
6 to 8 years :   0 places / 0 vacancies
8 to 99 years :   0 places / 0 vacancies
Cost Age 6 - 8 : £43 per day
1 to 5 Year Olds : £43 per day
Under 1s : £5 per hour, £43 per day
Age 8 + : £43 per day

Funded care Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Funded care is available for:
• For 3 to 4 year olds
• 30 hours childcare
Pick up from St Brendan's RC Primary School, Hardy Mill Primary School, St Maxentius CE Primary School, Harwood Meadows Primary School
SEN or health needs
Special diets

Ofsted information

Last Ofsted inspection date 21/10/2021
Ofsted report Latest Ofsted report
Special provisions

PACEY member. Ofsted registered. DBS checked, Safeguarding Level 2 and 3, food hygiene Level 2, paediatric first aid.
I provide parents with high quality childcare which is convenient, flexible and affordable. Children have a home from home environment where they feel safe, secure, relaxed and able to enjoy their time whilst learning through play. The children and I visit toddler groups, childrens play centre and spend days at parks, libraries and other local groups. Please feel free to give me a call to discuss yours and your child’s needs.

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