41 - 50 of 1,413 search results

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  1. Alderwood Care Home

    CQC logo

    Type: Social Care Org
    Specialism and services:
    - Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    CQC Rating: Good

    Simpson Road, Boothstown, Worsley, Manchester, M28 1LT

  2. Alexandra Nursery School


    Martha Street, Bolton, BL3 4AH
    01204 332678 staff@alexandra.bolton.sch.uk

  3. All Care Bolton Ltd

    CQC logo

    Type: Independent Healthcare Org
    Specialism and services:
    - Services for everyone
    CQC Rating: No published rating

    54 Bolton Road, Kearsley, Bolton, BL4 9BT

  4. All Saints CE Primary School

    Primary with nursery

    Devon Street, Bolton, BL4 7PY
    01204 333083 office@all-saints.bolton.sch.uk

  5. All Souls Bolton

    All Souls Bolton
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    To improve the lives of the people of Bolton, strengthen community spirit, and prove that beautiful historical buildings can be of use once more, saving themselves from decay and demolition in the process. We want to create a unique programme of events and activities that will draw people from all around Bolton and beyond to a building of national importance which was once at the centre of a community. We try to offer something for everyone, from afternoon tea to a sponsored abseil down the

    Astley Street, BL1 8EY
    (01204) 385868 info@allsoulsbolton.org.uk

  6. All Star Sports Football

    Care & Support
    All Star Sports Football
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    All Star Sports is an innovative and progressive sports development company based in Bolton & Manchester. Our vision is to “give all young people access to safe, affordable, high quality games activities in their area.” We specialise in the delivery of EYFS Sport Sessions. Along with our weekend drop-in sessions we also work closely with nurseries and pre-schools to ensure that all of our sessions effectively support learning through active play in all 2-6 year olds. We deliver

    Bolton College, Deane Road, BL3 5BG
    (07930) 375590 info@allstarsports.co.uk

  7. AlldayDr Group Ltd

    CQC logo

    Type: Independent Healthcare Org
    Specialism and services:
    - Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    - Caring for adults under 65 yrs
    CQC Rating: Good

    77-79 Church Street, Blackrod, Bolton, BL6 5EE

  8. Alliance Learning

    Alliance Learning
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    Alliance Learning is an independent training provider based in Horwich, Bolton delivering Apprenticeships, Training Courses throughout the North West. We deliver a wide range of Apprenticeships including Business Administration, Customer Service, Engineering and Leadership & Management. We also offer a vast array of Training Courses and NVQ's in sectors such as Health & Safety, Specialised Plant, Mental Health, First Aid, Engineering and much more.

    The Hurst Building, Horwich Loco Industrial Estate, Chorley New Road, BL6 5UE
    (01204) 696744 info@alliancelearning.com

  9. Ambition for Ageing

    Care & Support
    Ambition for Ageing
    {{text}} View Shortlist ({{cart.length}})

    We aim to create age friendly communities and generate ways to create stronger community connections for people over 50. A partnership of Bolton CVS, Age UK Bolton and Bolton at Home will be delivering the programme in Bolton in The Halliwell, Crompton and Tonge with The Haulgh areas over the next five years. A large percentage of the funding received will be allocated to small investments for older people to design and deliver projects that aim to build stronger community connections. The

    Bold Street, BL1 1LS
    (01204) 546050 yasminholgeth@ageukbolton.org.uk

  10. Angels Dance, Fitness & Performance

    Care & Support
    Angels Dance, Fitness & Performance
    {{text}} View Shortlist ({{cart.length}})

    Angels Dance, Fitness and Performance was set up in August 2010 by Melissa Finbarr-Smith, with support from her Husband, Tony. Melissa studied at Bury College, where she trained in Performing Arts, and also is a qualified Zumba Fitness Instructor, and a member of the Zumba Instructor’s Network. Melissa has a passion for teaching, and teaches Jazz dance and streetdance classes for children and adults. She also runs Bolton Zumba Fitness classes for adults. Her adults have had massive success

    Highfield Hall Farmhouse, BL4 0AW
    (07737) 649930 angelsdanceandfitness@gmail.com

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