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  1. The Gospel Hall

    Evangelical Free Church

    Maxwell Street, BL1 6QE
    (01204) 524508 bullmastiffwelfare@live.co.uk

  2. Bromley Cross Forum

    Community events and organisation

    The Last Drop, Hospital Road, Bromley Cross, BL7 9PZ
    4401204593528 lastdropjohn@hotmail.com

  3. One Bolton, One Wanderers

    Help raise funds for your charity with Bolton Wanderers Football Club

    Macron Stadium, BL6 6JW
    (01204) 673651 groupsales@bwfc.co.uk

  4. Deane Church

    Deane Church is a Church of England Church, providing opportunities for worship, bible study and community engagement.

    Junction Road, BL3 4LT
    (07776) 441440 sally13uk@yahoo.com

  5. Bolton World Development Movement/Oxfam group

    Care & Support

    A local group campaigning for changes to promote development and eradicate poverty

    102 Chorley Road, WN1 2SX
    01257 422420 bill.hutchings@blueyonder.co.uk

  6. St Andrew's Place

    St Andrew's Place
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    A newly converted venue available for hire to the community. Suitable for: events, classes, seasonal fairs, parties etc.

    Hill Lane, BL6 5JW
    (44798) 451035 standrewsbl6@gmail.com

  7. Victoria Hall Methodist Mission

    Victoria Hall Methodist Mission
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    Take part in many worthwhile groups and activities at Victoria Hall Methodist Mission.

    37-39 Knowsley St, 37-39 Knowsley Street, BL1 2AS
    (01204) 522569 ops@victoriahallbolton.org.uk

  8. Farnworth Christian Spiritualist Church

    Spiritualist church based in Farnworth, Bolton. Evenings of Mediumship, teaching, counselling, festivals, psychic suppers, fundraising events, crystal workshops, psychic artists.

    11a Peel Street, BL4 8AA
    (01204) 794979 Lonelady@Live.co.uk

  9. Bolton Hepatitis C Support Group

    Care & Support

    We are a peer to peer support group that provides information and support as well as a confidential place to meet.

    30, Chorley New Road, BL1 4AP
    07581264712 hepc@mhist.co.uk

  10. Harper Green Community Leisure Centre

    Care & Support

    We offer sports facilities at very competitive prices for the local community. Take part in Badminton, trampolining, football and many more activities.

    Harper Green Rd, Farnworth, BL4 0DH
    01204 334225 harper.bolton@leisure.serco.com

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